- Students are required to maintain discipline and good conduct within the college premises.
- Attire and general appearance must be in good taste. It is compulsory for all the students to wear the college uniform.
- Smoking, chewing of pan/pan masala, as well as consumption of drugs and alcohol is prohibited within the campus.
- The use of mobile phones within the college campus is strictly prohibited.
- Communal harmony is to be preserved in words and deeds.
- Damaging and dirtying of the college property should be strictly avoided. Defaulters will have to compensate the college.
- Each student must have a college identity card and a fee coupon. The identity card and leave record book is to be brought to the college every day and are to be produced when asked for.
- Students seeking transfer certificate during the year have to clear all the college dues up to the end of the current academic year.
- Fees once paid are not refundable.
- All terms and conditions set forth in the Prospectus, including fees and dues etc., are liable to be revised whenever necessary.