Code Of Conduct


Those who adopt teaching as a profession assume the obligation to conduct themselves in accordance with the ideals of the profession. A teacher is constantly under the scrutiny of his or her students and society at large. Therefore, every teacher should see that there is no incompatibility between his or her precepts and practice. Teachers should seek to inculcate among students the national ideals of education that have already been set forth and also make their own ideals. The profession further requires that the teachers be calm, patient, communicative by temperament, and amiable in disposition.

Teachers should:

(i) Uphold the vision and mission of the college and work for the holistic development of the students.

(li) Adhere to the responsibility pattern of conduct and demeanor expected of teachers by the community.

(lii) Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research.

(lv) Conduct himself or herself with absolute dignity and decorum in his or her dealings with superiors, colleagues, and students every time.

(V) Express a free and frank opinion by participating in professional meetings, seminars, conferences, etc. toward the contribution of knowledge.

(Vi) Cooperate and assist in carrying out functions related to the educational responsibilities of the college and the university at large.

(Vii) Participate in extension, co-curricular, and extension activities, including community service.

(Viii) Speak respectfully of other teachers and treat members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.

(Ix) Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, community, creed, religion, race, or sex in their professional endeavor.

(X) Discharge his or her duties efficiently and diligently, and maintain the decorum and dignity of the staff room.